TrueScore Pro

TrueScore-Pro Digital Scoring System

Perfect Crack-Free Scoring on a Variety of Print Finishing Equipment
The Rosback TrueScore-Pro Digital Scoring System eliminates fiber cracking on digitally printed stock. It's proven to be faster, easier, and more productive than any other method. No more outsourcing difficult scoring jobs. Keep the process in your finishing department and keep the cost and quality under control. This patent pending design is so simple to use even inexperienced operators will enjoy perfect crack-free results!

How the TrueScore-Pro Works
Each kit contains a selection of color coded male scoring discs designed for a wide variety of stock. These discs are split for fast and easy removal from the the upper head. The lower head has a selection of female grooves of varying widths. When engaged, the male scoring disc gently stretches the fibers into the female grove, providing a deep, perfect score and crack free fold every time. Read this brief article for more details on why the TrueScore-Pro is your best solution for perfect crack free scoring.

Order the complete kit for your Rosback Perforator on the Parts page - Part Number 220-A-203 For folders and cover feeders, call the factory for advice on selecting the correct version for your machine.

Follow these links to find a TrueScore-Pro System for your equipment:
 Rosback TrueLine and 240 Series Perforator/Scorer/Slitters
 Baum, MBO, Stahl, Horizon and Other Folders
 Muller Corona, Acoro, Bolero, and Other Perfect Binders
 Therm-O-Type Slitters
 Rollem Perforators